Sabtu, 14 April 2018

New Priok Terminal

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NewPriok is the international project name for the Kalibaru Terminal. In the master plan of economic acceleration and expansion of Indonesia (MP3I) from 2011 to 2015, it was determined that one of the main strategies that should be implemented is the strengthenig of economic connectivity. In this case, MP3I asked to Tanjung Priok Port as a major international gateway connectivity national and international economy. According to Law No. 17 in 2008, the government regulation No. 16 of 2009 and The Transport Minister’s decision No. KM.53 of 2002 on the order of a national port, according to the backbone of national development. The position is so important in the transport and logistics system nationwide, according to the port harbor of Jakarta should be able to facilitate sustainable economic activities and trade of Indonesia


Pada tanggal 13 September 2016 Presiden RI Joko Widodo meresmikan Terminal Petikemas 1 Kalibaru Pelabuhan Utama Tanjung Priok didampingi oleh Menteri Perhubungan RI Budi Karya Sumadi, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Maritim RI Luhut B. Pandjaitan, dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat.

Terminal Petikemas 1 Kalibaru sudah dioperasikan secara komersial pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2016 oleh PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1) yaitu perusahaan Joint Venture antara IPC TPK dan  Konsorsium Mitsui – PSA – NYK Line.

Kapasitas Terminal Petikemas 1 Kalibaru adalah 1,5 juta TEUs/tahun dan untuk mengantisipasi pertumbuhan arus petikemas dan kargo Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok akan dibangun Terminal Kalibaru secara keseluruhan dan bertahap sampai dengan tahun 2023.

Kapal Sinar Sumba dengan GRT 18 ribu ton sandar di dermaga NPCT-1 sedang melaksanakan kegiatan bongkar 398 Box Impor dan 385 Box Ekspor. Ini merupakan uji coba ini yang kedua, sedangkan uji coba operasi pertama  melayani MV Selat Mas dengan GRT 14 ribu ton dilaksanakan 27 Januari 
2016 lalu, untuk pelayaran domestik membongkar 500 Box Petikemas. NPCT1 ini memiliki luas lahan kurang lebih 32 hektare dan kapasitas sebesar 1,5 juta TEUs per tahun.  Dengan total panjang dermaga 450 meter saat ini (850 meter pada akhir 2016) dan kedalaman 14 meter low water spring (LWS) dan akan dikeruk secara bertahap hingga 20 meter.
Saat ini telah terpasang peralatan bongkar muat Quay Container Crane telah terpasang sebanyak 4 buah type super post panama dengan produktivitas 27 s/d 30 Box/Crane/Jam  dan Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane (RTG) telah terpasang sebanyak 10 unit. Terminal ini nantinya akan dilengkapi dengan 8 Unit Quay Container Crane dan 20 TRG dan 60 unit Terminal Trecker. Disamping itu juga terminal ini juga dilengkapi dengan Information Communication Technology (ICT) dengan COSMOS SYSTEM. ICT yang diterapkan diterminal  ini merupakan ICT  yang tercanggih dan termodern  dan generasi terbaru dan pertama diterapkan di terminal NewPriok Container Terminal 1 untuk pengoperasian terminal.
Terminal baru ini diproyeksikan untuk dapat melayani kapal peti kemas dengan kapasitas 13 ribu-15 ribu TEUs dengan bobot di atas 150 ribu DWT. Terminal baru ini dioperasikan oleh salah satu perusahaan lPC Group, yaitu PT NewPriok Container Terminal One. NPCTl merupakan terminal petikemas pertama dalam pembangunan fase 1 Terminal New Priok yang terdiri atas tiga terminal peti kemas dan dua terminal produk. Pembangunan fase 2 Terminal New Priok akan dilaksanakan setelah pengoperasian fase 1 New Priok. Ketika proyek New Priok telah selesai akan ada total tujuh terminal peti kemas dan dua terminal produk dengan area pendukungnya yang memiliki total area 411 hektare.
A. Container Terminal
Container berth 3.
Jetty  850 M (complete).
Draft : 16 m approach channel (to-ay) and 16 m alongside.
Container Yard 32 Ha (area complete) with handling capacity 1,5 M TEUs per year.
Total ground slots (GS) 5.808 GS.
Reefer yard 198 GS.
Dangerous Good Yard 80 GS.
Quay Crane ( 4 of 8 on site) type super post panamax (gross crane rate  27-30 movers per crane-hour, outreach 23 rows and Hoisting height 46 m above rail).
Yard Cranes 20 X electric rubber tiered gantry cranes (10 of 20 on site).
B. Terminal facilities.
Adm building, workshop, gate in/out and fire station.
Terminal operating system.
Mechanical electrical.
Fuel Station.
Negerator Set.
C. Infrastructures
PLN Power Supply (complete).
Common Gate (complete).
Dredge to – 14 M (450 M complete).
Dredge basin dia 700 M to – 14 M on progress).
Dredge to – 16 M (850 M on progress).
D. Land Access.
Southern Access Road (complete).
Eastern Access Road (2018-2020), entirely bypasses congestion on public road in Jakarta.

The growth of the national economy is also a contribution of the role and function of the port.

Port in Indonesia needs to be build and developed in order to maintain economic growth, especially in the port harbor of Jakarta which is the main port of national economy by strengthening international connectivity. Project container throughput in 2011 is the port master plan for 3.8 million TEUs while the realization reached 5,8 million TEUs. Furthermore, projections throughput container in 2012 amounted to 6,3 million TEUs and in 2014 will be 7,5 million TEUs. The capacity of the port harbor of Jakarta in 2008 was 4,5 million TEUs and has now developed into 7,2 million TEUs after optimization of the land. The land reconfiguration, addition and removal equipment building that are not directly related to the operation. That is, the optimal capacity in 2014 was achieved. To anticipate that the port harbor of Jakarta to plan the development of new container terminal, called NewPriok Terminal. To support and accelerate th construction of NewPriok Terminal, the government has issued a decree of President Number 36 in 2012 on assignment for PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) to build and operate a port NewPriok Terminal harbor of Jakarta. Furthermore, the concession agreement signing have done NewPriok Terminal port harbor of Jakarta between the Port Authority chief harbor of Jakarta with Indonesia President Director of Indonesia Port Corporation II (IPC) on August 31, 2012.

As for the consession, NewPriok Terminal period in the first phase for 70 (seventy) years and after the consession period ends, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) earned the right to continue the operation of the terminal through the use of co-operation over the past 25 (twenty-five) years. NewPriok Terminal construction will be done in 2 (two) stage. The first phase will be in the total area 268 hectare comprising stage 1 A area of 32 ha (deck on pile), stage 1 B area of 180 ha (reclamation land) and the disposal area of 56 ha. In the area of stage 1A and 1B will be built three-container terminals and two product terminal (oil and gas terminal) with the depth of the groove and reaches -16 meter LWS (Lower Water Spring) and will be deepened to -20 meter LWS.

Development Program

The initial developments phase for the port expansion at NewPriok Terminal will be undertaken on a fast track basis. The key dates are summarized into actual and constractual dates below.

Development Phase 1

The initial development phase for the port expansion at NewPriok Terminal accommodates the following terminals: Terminals Accommodated In Phase I

The initial development phase also includes the following supporting infrastructure. •    An access road to provide access from a site east of the existing Port of Tanjung Priok •    Appropriate security of power supply to sustain the Phase 1 expansion of the port •    Appropriate security of potable and other water supply to sustain the Phase ‘expansion of the port •    Appropriate security of waste water and waste disposal to sustain the Phase 1 expansion of the port

Development Phase 2

The initial development phase for the port expansion at NewPriok Terminal accommodates the following terminals: Terminals Accommodated in Phase 2

Progress of New Priok Port


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